Mia Litz

Hiya! I'm a 25 year old artist, character designer, and animator based in Philadelphia!

Mia Litz

Hiya! I'm a 24 year old artist, character designer, and animator based in Philadelphia!

Zine List

Zine TitleRoleAcceptance DateStatus
Our Hearts In HarmonyMerch ArtistJune 2022Complete
BIG SHOT: A Spamton ZineMerch ArtistJanuary 2022Complete
Here Is A Brighter Garden: A Seasonal DDLC ZinePage ArtistDecember 2021Complete
Afterimage: A Grell Sutcliff ZinePage ArtistNovember 2021Complete
From OlympusPage ArtistJuly 2021Complete

Mia Litz

Hiya! I'm a 24 year old artist, character designer, and animator based in Philadelphia!

My commissions are currently not open, please wait for an announcement.

Mia Litz

Hiya! I'm a 24 year old artist, character designer, and animator based in Philadelphia!

For professional inquiries, email me at [email protected].
If you are sending me a job offer, please include the word "HERO" somewhere in your email so I can verify your message to be valid, as I've received a multitude of copy-pasted scam jobs in the past.
For anything else, you may DM me at any location below!

I am currently taking $16 icon commissions!
Details are here
If you do not have a Toyhouse account, you may DM me at any place listed in my contact info.